
A Narrow Gauge Christmas Carol: Part 3

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As the clock chimed two in the distance, Duncan looked around the depot shed nervously, for any sign of another spirit. When he first thought no spirit ever came, he then heard an unfamiliar whistle. Appearing just before him was another engine spirit. The engine’s basis looked like Duke but his face looked more cheery as he seemed to smile more. He wore a green wreath like crown round his funnel and he seemed to be carrying a torch on his front.

???: Ho ho ho my dear Duncan, I am the Ghost of Christmas Present! And I have come to show you the things of what Christmas can do!

Duncan: Bah! I know what it’s all about! It’s all about gifts, and singing, and being “cheerful” to one another. Well I think it’s rubbish as there are many passengers to carry around the island and many goods to deliver that will soon good to waste. Honestly, I wish Christmas never existed as it’s a lot of hard work on us Narrow Gauge Engines!

Ghost of Present: (gasps dramatically) Why Duncan! What a horrible thing to say! Now you must know that not all of that is true. You have much to learn young one.

Before Duncan could reply the ghost lit his torch that brightened the night into day from outside the shed. Then the Ghost escorted Duncan out of the depot shed and led him to the Narrow Gauge sheds where Skarloey, Rheneas, Peter Sam, Rusty, Luke, Duke, Mighty Mac, and Freddie all stayed. One birth was left empty which was Duncan’s. Duncan could hear the engines chatting, laughing and enjoying their time with their crews, who were drinking hot cocoa and roasting smores.

Skarloey: Isn’t it just wonderful Luke? Only two more days till Christmas!

Luke: Oh yes Skarloey! The holiday is almost upon us! But… I can’t help but feel sorry that Duncan couldn’t come…

Rusty: Oh I think it would be best to leave him alone for now. I too wished he’d come, but I wouldn’t stand that attitude of his to ruin this holiday season.

Peter Sam: Oh yes… we’ve tried so hard to cheer him up, and now where it has lead him…

Luke: That’s just it! It may be just spending a day at the depot shed on Christmas, but think about the rest of month and probably into the next year.

Duke: That young engine’s still got to learn… In my days, engines were-

Peter Sam and Sir Handel: “Seen and not heard Grandpuff”. (all the engines laugh while Duncan looked somewhat hurt)

Skarloey: I wouldn’t worry too much Luke. As long as we all stick together like family, I’m sure we’ll find a way to change Duncan’s ways. Until then, we’ll pray for him.

Luke: (slightly smiles) Driver, I’d like to make a toast to Duncan. May he change his ways in months to come. To Duncan!

Engines and Crew: To Duncan!

The Ghost of Present eyed Duncan who stared at young Luke.

Ghost of Present: (sarcastic like) Something troubling you, YOUNG engine?

Duncan: Luke… he has such a kind heart…

Luke: Oh Skarloey, that reminds me. I have to pick up the Christmas Tree tomorrow for the Christmas Party.

Skarloey: That sounds great but please take care on the hill with the heavy tree. I hear the tracks can be very icy.

Luke: Oh I will Skarloey. I’ll be sure to fill up on extra sand before I leave.

Duncan: I thought there was hardly any sand left at the depot?

Ghost of Present: Perhaps… But did you not hear from the other engines that there was plenty of sand yesterday? However, your friends have used so much of it today that there may not be enough for tomorrow on Christmas Eve…

Duncan: B-but that means-

Ghost of Present: (somber) Yes Duncan… if these shadows remain unchanged… then Luke will be seriously hurt… maybe die…

Duncan: What?! No!

Darkness fell around Duncan and the spirit, as the scene slowly fade into blackness. Duncan noticed the spirt slowly started to become rusty and the flame in its torch is fading.

Duncan: What’s happening to you?

Ghost of Present: My time is almost over for it ends at three. Don’t you see Duncan? If you continue to spread your behavior amongst your friends, they soon wouldn’t care about you anymore. And if that happens, then your path would be a dark future…

Duncan: What do you mean? What’s going to happen?

Just then the bell tolls three and the engine spirit became more rusty than ever. He closed his eyes and still smiled as he let out a weak chuckle. The flame in the torch was soon extinguished and the spirit faded away into dust, leaving Duncan alone in the dark.

Duncan didn’t know what to do or where to go for he had many questions. Then a silver mist clouded the area until another spirit emerged in front of Duncan. The spirit looked different among the rest for was colored black as night. There was no face to show except an empty smokebox door. Duncan was frightened but he plucked up courage as he spoke.

Duncan: Are you the spirit of Christmas yet to come?

The engine stood silent which made Duncan more nervous.

Duncan: Y-you’re about to show me the things that WILL happen isn’t it so? Spirit, I fear you more than any other ghost. But (gulps) I’m ready for you to show me so lead on.

The ghost of future blew his deep whistle and a portal opened behind him. He puffed through it and Duncan followed. When they came out the other side, they found themselves at Crovan’s Gate. There were no Christmas decorations for Christmas had come and gone. Skarloey was there with a passenger train and Thomas was on the other side of the platform with Annie and Clarabel. Duncan could see Skarloey looking tired and sad.

Thomas: Skarloey… I’m so sorry for your loss… He was such a kind and brave engine. I’ll never forget the days when I first met him and how he saved me from that cliff at the Blue Mountain Quarry. If there’s anything I can do to help you or the other narrow gauge engines, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Skarloey: (sniffs) Thank you Thomas. (sigh) Our railway won’t be the same with two of them gone.

Rusty then pulled in with a goods train on the opposite track of the narrow gauge railway.

Rusty: Two? If you’re talking about that Scrooge of this railway then I’d say good riddance. He didn’t change one bit and I’m sick of his rude and complaining behavior. Our railway will soon be more cheerful and better without him around.

Skarloey: Rusty, remember when number six first came to this railway? He wanted you gone as he thought diesels were not fit for our railway. But after you helped him, he was grateful. But… all the same… he never changed…

The guard’s whistle blew and Skarloey slowly puffed away with his passenger train. Thomas and Rusty sadly watched him go as Duncan turned to the ghost.

Duncan: Just who were they talking about spirit? The “two engines” they said?

The ghost of the future blew his deep whistle and transported both himself and Duncan, to the Sodor Steamworks. The building looked gloomy, silent and still. Standing outside the main gate were the thin controller and Victor the narrow gauge engine. Both looked sad.

Victor: Sir, I know we were not able to save him in time… but would you consider having a keepsake?

Thin Controller: Yes Victor… I would like that… as a reminder of how I once had a kind and hardworking engine at the Blue Mountain Quarry…

Kevin the steamworks crane rolled out of the building carrying a small box on his hook. He slowly lowered it down in front of the Thin Controller and then rolled next to Victor. The Thin Controller picked up the box and pulled out a whistle and plaque.

Thin Controller: I’ll place this at the sheds for the other engines to remember him by. We’ll never forget… dear Luke…

Duncan gasped. He could just make out the writing on the small plaque saying “In Loving Memory of Luke: A Really Useful Engine”.

Victor: And… what about number six?

Thin Controller: Oh… well… I too request a plaque of him but no keepsake. (sigh) I warned him… but he didn’t seem to listen no matter how hard he tried…

Victor: Then what do we do with his remains?

Thin Controller: (firm) Scrap them. I don’t wish to see that yellow color, number, or name plates again.

Duncan was horrified by what his controller said that he didn’t realize he was suddenly transported to a scrapyard. Around him were piles of metal and rusty machines which made the scrapyard look more horrifying than Duncan imagined. The black ghost then presented Duncan a heap of scrap that was off to the side from where they were standing.

Duncan: Spirit… before I examine that pile of scrap you show me, please answer me one question. Are these the shadows of things that WILL be or shadows of things that MAY be?

The ghost didn’t respond so Duncan had no choice but to see what was before him. When he did, he could see a recognizable number and color. Duncan suddenly gasped as he saw the name plate of the engine: Duncan.

Duncan: No… Spirit please no! Please tell me this isn’t so! I’m not the engine I once was!

Ghost of Future: That’s just the way you are! Whether you like it or not!

On the smokebox door, Duncan witnessed the ghost protruding an unrecognizable face. It looked almost deformed but showed a personality of showing off and recklessness. The spirit laughed menacingly as darkness fell around Duncan.

Duncan: (frightened) No! I don’t want my life to end this way! I want another chance! Please spirit! (shuts eyes) I’ll change I’LL CHANGE!!!

To be concluded...
So sorry for not uploading this sooner as I was pretty busy these past few days. But I had a great Christmas and I hope you all did too. ;) Now to finish this story once and for all! Part 4 will coming soon but for now enjoy this next part when Duncan is visited by Ghost of Present and Future. Think you know who those two portray?

Thomas and Friends belong to HIT Entertainment.
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that scene shoulkd totally break the 4th wall.